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4D Modding Projects & Download Links
Abbey 2250 Side Spreader
Abbey 2500
Abbey Hose Mod 2500
HiSpec 3000 Hose
HiSpec 3000 Non Hose
Abbey 3500 Non Hose
Broughan 28ft Bale Trailer
Aluminium Trailer
Broughan 28ft Autoload Bale Trailer
Broughan Cattle Trailer
Easy Autoload
Broughan Tri Axle Silage
Dooley Bale Trailer
Broughan Twin Axle Silage
Chieftain Tri Axle Low Loader
Kane MQ
Kane Jubilee
Keenan Mech Fiber 365
Simple IC
Kverneland Mower (Simple IC)
Lazy Arm
Mastek Dribble Bar
HiSpec Side-Spreader
Lely P300
McHale 991
Sutton Beet Bucket
Suton Silage Fork
Redrock Twin Axle
Smyth Supercube
Smyth Subercube Tri Axle Silage
Old Bale Trailer
Vicon Haybob
Kuhn DL Drill
New Holland D1000
Bauer Slurry Coupling
Big Bale Fork
Broughan 32ft Autoload Bale Trailer
Potato Box
Case Puma (D1000 Control Panel Installed)
Redrock Twin Axle Manure Tank
Hesston 4900 Baler (Straw Harvest Addon Required)
Parkland Accumulator
Hesston Baler Information
How to Edit Addon Straw Bale Collector
HiSpec 2300SA-R
Please note we do not take individual requests for Mods or release dates of our work in progress. Time spent reading or answering these is time lost in Blender!
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